
100% Stainless Steel Alien/Chimpanzee Hybrid – easel or wall mounted head. This work was created for a Alien themed comedy club in Austin, Texas.
L: 13.75″
W: 7.75″
H: 6.75″
W: 12.5 lbs.
It was nice to step away from earth wonders and create something from another Galaxy, perhaps closer then we think?
Fascination with Science Fiction in my early years inspires me to this day.
My desk-top all throughout grade school was my canvas for sketches of creatures just like this.
Although my class mates really liked having a look at my HB-pencil desk murals at the end of each lesson…it did not go over to well, unless I was actually in art class.
Don’t panic
Elon Musk Promo
The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (artist rendition)
Construction: Hand forged and welded 100% 304 Stainless steel sculpture.
L: 10.25″
W: 7.25″
H: 8.75″
W: 16.8 lbs.
Coming soon
Coming Soon
New projects incoming.